

writing2 various questions

Do you think it is better for schools to offer a lot of homework to students?

Do you think parents should let their children play video games?

Do you think it is better for people to live in a house or in an apartment?

Do you think it is important for students to learn how to give presentations at school?

Do you think it is better for students to study alone or in a group?

Do you think more people in foreign countries will study the Japanese language in the future?

Do you think young people today should eat more vegetables?

Do you think high school students spend too much time watching TV?

Do you think that ,in the future,more people will buy used products such as used books and CDs?

Do you think more people will go to computer schools to learn how to use computers in the future?

Do you think students should do more to help the environment?

Do you think it is better for junior high schools to offer school lunches to the students?

Do you think more people will buy used clothes,such as used jackets and shirts, in the future?

Do you think more Japanese people will spend their vacations in foreign countries in the future?

Do you think computers will be used in more classes at school in the future?

Do you think students should take part in club activities at school?

Do you think that reading comic books is good for children?

Do you think watching movies at theaters is better than watching them at home?

Do you think it is a good idea for schools to take their students to foreign countries on school trips?

Do you think people should eat more vegetables?

Do you think more people will have pets in the future?

Do you think it is good for children to use the Internet?

Do you think children should spend more time playing outdoors?

Do you think students should do more volunteer work in their communities?

Do you think traveling by car is better than traveling by train?

Do you think more people will carry digital cameras everywhere in the future?

Do you think coffee will become more popular than other drinks in the future?

Do you think more Japanese people will use e-mail for New Year’s greetings in the future?

Do you think more Japanese tourists will visit foreign countries in the future?

Do you think more people will enjoy playing sports in the future?

Do you think more people will eat fast food in the future?

Do you think more people will take pictures with cell phones in the future?

Do you think drinks in plastic bottles will be more popular in the future?

Do you think more people will have pets in the future?

Do you think children should learn more about good manners at home?

Do you think students should learn more about giving presentations?

Do you think towns and cities should have more libraries?

Do you think more people will buy things on the Internet in the future?

Do you think schools should have more sports activities for their students?

Do you think more people will make cookies and cakes at home in the future?

Do you think art museums are good places for school children to learn about art?

Do you think more supermarkets will stay open 24 hours a day in the future?

Do you think it is a good idea to listen to music while studying?

Do you think going camping is a good way to relax?

Do you think it is important for children to do house work?

Do you think children should help their parents at home?

Do you think young people should go abroad?

Do you think people should eat breakfast every morning?

Do you think people will spend more money on cell phones in the future?

Do you think more people will eat at home in the future?

Do you think more people will join club activities in school?

Do you think more people will drive electric cars in the future?

Do you think more foreign people will come to Japan in the future

Do you think students should read a newspaper more often?

Many people do different kinds of volunteer work. Would you like to do some volunteer work?

Do you think students should have more time to use computers at school?

Many people enjoy visiting different kinds of museums, such as science museums and art museums. Do you often go to museums?

Do you think schools should have more sports activities for their students?

Today, many people enjoy buying and selling things at flea markets. Do you often go to flea markets to buy things?

Today, people use the internet in many ways. Do you often use the internet?

Do you think more Japanese sports players will go abroad to play for foreign teams?

Do you think students today have enough time to relax?

Do you think schools should teach children about how to use money?

These days, some people take language lessons on the Internet. Do you think more people will do so in the future?

Do you think the number of Japanese people who live abroad will increase in the future?

Many people enjoy watching sports games, especially during the Olympics and the World Cup. Do you like to watch sports games?