

grammar 7 自分の意見を述べるその3



Do you think students should read a newspaper more often? 生徒はもっと頻繁に新聞を読むべきだと思いますか?






They can learn how to read something everyday by reading a news paper. 彼らは新聞を読むことで何かを毎日読む方法を学べる。

They can learn how to read by reading a news paper.


They can learn about the world by reading a news paper.


It is important for them to learn how to read by reading a newspaper. 彼らにとって、新聞を読むことで読み方を学ぶのは重要だ。

It is important for them to learn about the world by reading a newspaper. 彼らにとって、新聞を読むことで世界のことを学ぶのは重要だ。

Reading a newspaper makes it possible for them to learn about many kinds different of things. 新聞を読むことが、可能にさせる、彼らが、様々な違う種類の物事について学ぶことを。